Odyn - Healers please read

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Odyn - Healers please read

Healers we need a CD rotation and specific places to use them whether or not we think we really need to.

The fatboss video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNLv6srhc-U

It specifically talks about healing CDs.

So assuming for now that it is:
Me, Stone, Perh, and Sol healing we have 4 major output CDs.
Tranquility (2min), Healing Tide Totem (3min), Divine Hymn X 2 (3min)
We only have one major defensive CD:
Spirit Link Totem
Recommend rotation, Dys, Perh, Sol, Stone

Phase 1
We are getting 5 Horns of Valor in Phase 1 according to our logs, we should be able to use a CD for each. If I go first mine will be back up for the fifth one and yours will be back off of CD for phase 2.
Never use a CD after the Shield of Light

Phase 2
In Phase 2 the CD usage is when the mini-bosses are down
After Shield of light when Hyrja is down
After Horn of Valor when Hymdall is down
Finally use a CD or a defensive CD for Unerring Blast from Odyn

Phase 3
Use CDs as needed or available.
Dys has first tank CD on Sanz and Vex has first tank CD on Anvil
Not sure what we have after that, need to confirm this.

I have my bubble and probably

I have my bubble and probably will have AD and possibly even a few other tricks (goak, tyr) which are part of my regular panic rotations. I also have BoP, which I can drop on either Anvil or myself. We don't need to doublestack the defensives, and it's much easier if I worry about everything but the first one. If you want me to remember "is this the second spear or the third spear?" I will go insane -- even if DBM has a counter, I will still go insane. :)

If shit happens and the CDs are down, just let us know at the beginning of phase 3 and we'll start on the self-mitigations.

For this fight, I swap out my bubbletaunt with more mobility, so I can guarantee the bubble will be available. I drop aggro when I use it, which is perfect for the spears. 5 min CD though.


Something else that has happened a few times is that we tanks have lived through the spear but then died due to random aoe damage floating around. It's a nasty spell -- 20M damage reduced by distance. If we could get a precast of a single-target heal to land quickly after the spear does, that'd be awesome.

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