Planning for next tier

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Dysphoric's picture
Planning for next tier

I am beginning to plan for next tier and wanting to think about what roles are covered or not...and how much recruiting we need to be doing.

Please reply below with what character , what class it is, and what role you want to play...if you are flexible with what you are willing to play feel free to list all the options.

Dysphoric - Druid- I'll play role any but would prefer to dps

Big surprise here

Euphoric - Hunter. I want to heal. JK. I think I'll dps.

AutoGun's picture

Same as always:

Darkguns - Frost DK DPS can tank if needed (meaning I will tank if I am 4-5th option)
Huntgun - Hunter DPS
Autogun - Warlock DPS

So can be any but will start at Darkguns and go from there. Thanks!

Darkguns - Level 90 DK
Autogun - Retired Lock
Wilygun - Druid Extraordinaire
Shamgun - Shaman fun!

I heal

I will be playing Farraday as Holy, and perhaps some Disc when necessary (and if i can figure it out again).

I also really like DPS on my hunter Izzeult.

~ Newbie Priest (again *sigh*)

Luvalot's picture
No changes here.

No changes here.

Luvalot -- rogue DPS


I'm going to be playing my monk, Hadryan, unless it isn't viable. I'm happy to play any role this time, thanks for letting me tank last tier.



I can speak to the fact that Perhonen will be a healer of some sort, Priest or Druid.

I'm seriously considering leaving Ele shaman based on how they're playing on Beta at the moment. But, if we do need a healer, I can always stick with Stone, he's been my guy for 10+ years now.

Dysphoric's picture
We should be fine for healers

We should be fine for healers. We have Perh, Farraday and Loreene is switching from LoJ to us. So unless we really grow and need to carry 4 healers regularly we should be good. I'll still probably off heal if we need a 4th on some fights. So if you want to switch to something else, ponder away at what that might be :)

Serelyn's picture
Going to be sticking with

Going to be sticking with Serelock right now!

Oh zoinks! We have a website?

I'm changing a bunch and not much all at the same time. I'll probably flip to be a DI dwarf 'cuz they're playing pretty cool on beta (fireblood and forged in flame both have great tank synergy) and likely to undergo a namechange back to Woe. However... I will stay a masochistic pally tank who continually ponders when Bliz will create a boss whose toes don't occupy my entire screen when playing in first-person mode.

Also, I'm still working on Rada to come back. If he does, he'll raid as a warlock.

PS Dark can tank

Dysphoric's picture
At this point I think we have

At this point I think we have the following:

Hadryan and Sanz (with 3 backups)

Perhonen, Farraday and Loreene (with at least 2 backups)

Melee DPS
Luv (rogue)
Dark (DK)
Severs (not sure what class)
Dys (druid)

Ranged DPS
Stone (not sure class, maybe mage?)
Euph (hunter)
Serelock (lock)
Chandril (lock coming from LoJ)

Unknowns at this time
Ash (hunter) - I would assume he is coming back but haven't heard from him
Rada (maybe, also on a lock)
Swipe - Last I heard he wanted to raid this tier but I don't remember what class and haven't seen him on in a bit
Lair (hunter) - I don't think he is raiding, they have a 3rd baby on the way, but I'll check in with him
Aesch - Not sure how his wrists or doing or what class he is playing at this point
Vex - Talked about coming back as well...need to check in with him
Saz - No idea what her plans are


Hey All!

My wrists are doing much better now that I've figured out that my desk was a bit too high. Been playing longer and longer sessions to see if they can handle it, and it's been pretty good so far.

As for class/role, if I'm able to raid I'll be using the druid. I really like tanking, but I'm going to work on figuring out kitty dps as well.


mutagen's picture
I had some pretty bad RSI

I had some pretty bad RSI problems back in the 90s from playing DOOM and Warcraft I (I'm getting old) from a desk and chair with ridiculous posture, heights, and overall setup.

I switched to a for gaming in '99, still using a mouse at times at work. The change made a huge difference and I'm convinced it helped me recover. 10+ years later I was able to go back to a gaming mouse full time, paying attention to posture, ergonomics, and all the other factors.

As I've aged further I've corrected back muscle spasms by paying attention and correcting other ergonomic and alignment issues between keyboard, monitor, mouse, chair, and desk. I know this won't solve all of your issues but pay attention to your body and your setup and adjust as necessary, it can only help.

Ok, so I have a /really

Ok, so I have a /really stupid/ question. How do you play with a gaming mouse? I'm using a Thinkpad keyboard, so my fingers never leave the keyboard. I can twiddle the {red thing} and still have all my fingers on the keyboard, allowing me to bubblehearth while typing snarky pink comments to Dark/Hadryan/whoever will listen. Whenever I've tried to use a gaming mouse, I feel like the right half of my keyboard goes unused.

Dysphoric's picture
Well I can tell you the

Well I can tell you the theory but you know I don't do it because of my hands...with a gaming mouse they usually have multiple keys on them and you bind your major skills to those keys so instead of having your keyboard do the most of your work your gaming mouse does the most of it. You move and cast your major spells with it and your keyboard is used for control keys to make other spells work on your mouse or for CDs, etc. It depends on how many keys your mouse has.

For example, the mouse my son uses has 6 keys on the thumb location, so he can easily map 18 spells to that. by using ctrl, shift and alt. Not counting the regular click, right click, scroll button etc. Then he uses his keyboard for typing and other random CDs that he doesn't use as often.

Does that make sense?

Yep, and I tried that. The

Yep, and I tried that. The span on ~ to = is pretty broad, and I have bound all sorts of other keys too. It works ok when I'm standing still and tanking, but casting instants while moving against a repertoire of 39+ keybinds (and typing snarky comments) doesn't work as well.

This works fine when I heal (pally healing = whack-a-mole) because I'm using a lot less spells and fairly immobile. Just not so much when not tanking.

mutagen's picture
I've always been intrigued by

I've always been intrigued by the {red thing}, most people who use one swear by it and everyone else can't imagine how well it works. I can see the appeal of both hands on home row for hurling textual abuse at Dark while still mashing movement and mouseclicks.

My setup never really required a 'gaming' mouse, just 2 or 3 buttons. Left hand on the KBD for movement and some key bindings, right hand on mouse for aiming. Sometime back in mid-vanilla I started using healing addons (now Clique) to bind various combination of SHIFT CTRL ALT l-click r-click to various healing things directly onto raid frames and this survived across a couple of different combinations of trackball and mouse.

'Gaming' mouse added some more buttons so I could move Push to Talk off the keyboard and on to the side of the mouse.

I never felt I completely refined my setup to allow for good movement while healing, it was either choose a raid-frame to heal or choose a direction to run (except for strafing, I could do that while healing). I felt this most in PVP Arenas, PVE encounters were usually handled fairly easily.

When do we start raiding?

Hey Dys -- have you thought about /when/ we will start raiding? I blasted through up to 120 without really trying. It took me less than 24 hours, and I wasn't very good about logging out in an inn. There's still the gear grind required after hitting lvl 120, but that goes fast(ish).

Dysphoric's picture
I think we should be good to

I think we should be good to start right when Uldir opens. I believe Blizz is going to roll it out like they did this year with Legion where the raids roll out several weeks after release so by the time we get the raid I think most people will be leveled up with their main and have some gear ready. I'll watch how things are progressing and announce a target date, but I think we should all push to have ourselves ready by the first week of Uldir Normal opening unless Blizz does something crazy that we don't expect.


Hey, I finally set up an account! Yeah, Perhonen is my character and I'll be running Priest. Healer or dps is ok for me.


and mekosq

Hey, Stonestorm told me you all are planning for next xpac. If you'll still have me I'd love to come join you all again.

I'll most likely be playing Warrior, but if we don't have a Demon Hunter, maybe that.

Also I talked to Vex on Sunday and I'm relatively certain he is planning on playing hunter.

Noooo.... tell him we need

Noooo.... tell him we need more pallies so we can swap gear. :)

Severs's picture
Severs checking in. Most

Severs checking in. Most likely staying DH, but possibly I'll be back on my DK. Whichever feels right, but I'll have a tank spec to assist when needed. Thanks for taking over Dys. Looking forward to the next expac with you guys.


mutagen's picture

Severs, thanks for offering

Severs, thanks for offering to tank, but it's ok. Dark can tank.


AutoGun's picture
Tank whats that?

Didn't you read DK's lost their tanking spec this xpac…

I am going to soooo miss it....*sniff sniff*


Darkguns - Level 90 DK
Autogun - Retired Lock
Wilygun - Druid Extraordinaire
Shamgun - Shaman fun!

Pass for Azeroth

I am open to playing whatever we need.
Raided as ranged, melee or tank.

I will be on the game on Thursday when I get back into town. We can catch up then to discuss if you want.

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