Raid Calendar

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mutagen's picture
Raid Calendar

I've added a calendar but I don't have Tantred's nifty roll system in place. For now we'll use the in-game calendar for signups. We've also got the comment system for each event that could be use, I'm likely to implement random rolls through that.

Update: I've added roles and rolls to raid calendar item comments. Post a comment, pick your primary role in the raid and get a random number between 0 and 1000. I still need to create some kind of summary of rolls for easy rostering but this will do for now.

Any way to get the calendar

Any way to get the calendar to show who else has signed up? I can only see my own roll and that I signed up. And thanks for getting this up and running!

Looks great Muta.

Looks great Muta.

mutagen's picture
first signup?

I think you were the first to sign up, aside from my test user signups. Can you see the signups after yours or did I stuff up the permissions somewhere?

I had to turn off the ability to delete your own raid signups, you could keep deleting and signing up until you had a nice high roll for the raid.

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